青年掌舵 Youth Influence

林宏濬-Lin Hung Chun


When I was five years old, an earthquake occurred in Taiwan on September 21, 1999. I entered the earthquake-stricken area with the Dynamic Life Energy Association established by my mother. I was responsible for making friends with the rest of the kids to keep the children not to bother with the course when the resident was in the class.


Since I was a child, I was a person full of curiosity and enjoy making things by myself. At home, I have a variety of toys made by myself. Once my classmate couldn’t afford a new set of toy baseball, I used sticks and a newspaper to make a handmade set to play with him. In elementary school, I was curious about all the interesting things and took the initiative to learn clarinet, guitar, piano, martial arts, swimming, painting, go, math and other talents. Furthermore, I participated in the school’s rhythm orchestra and choir. In the sixth grade of elementary school, I also bought the first fund in my life enlightened the concept of investment and financial management.

小學五年級,我確定了對音樂的熱情,決定參加音樂班考試,在考場中,看見學校公布欄上有58位同學繳不起午餐費,回到家就與母親商量要到彰化火車站義演,這也成為我國中三年公益慈善活動的契機,三年間,我號召了送200,000顆糖果到非洲、關懷愛滋寶寶、關懷茂林魯凱族部落、海峽兩岸16,000 人關懷盲生等活動。感謝生命動能協會在這些活動中,給我最大的支持

In the fifth grade of elementary school, I was enthusiastic about music to participate in the music class exam. In the examination hall, I saw that 58 students could not afford the lunch fee on the school announcement column, as a result, I went home immediately and discussed with my mother to go to Changhua RailwayStation for a charity performance. This has also become a moment for the three-years charity event in my secondary life. During these three years, I took the lead in sending 200,000 candy to Africa, caring for AIDS baby and Mao Lin Rukai Aboriginal tribes and called 16,000 China and Taiwan people cared the blind students. Thanks to the Dynamic Life EnergyAssociation for giving me the greatest support in these activities.

高中三年認真學習音樂,為了考上理想的大學,高中三年每週坐車2小時往返高雄拜師學藝,即使是春節也全年無休。我要求自己每天最少要有4個小時的練習時間,住校生最怕的就是沒琴房,高一沒琴房用的時候,我就站在琴房外的走廊上練習。冬天有強風加上低溫,常讓我的手凍的發粉紅。高二琴房開始整修擴建,有很長的一段時間,琴房都變成了工地,為了不影響練習的進度,我還拿已經拆下來的燈座,接上電線照亮凌亂的工地,在悶熱的小地方繼續努力。Sabine Meyer 來台舉行大師班,雖然兩地相隔甚遠,我仍在下課後搭車趕往台北,並在結束後搭末班車回學校。無數的奮鬥終於在放榜時金榜題名。

In order to get into the ideal university, I studied very hard in music during my high school years. I spent 2 hours every Saturday to Kaohsiung to learn from my teacher, even in the Chinese New Year. I ask myself to practice at least 4 hours every day. The most feared thing for the border students is not enough rehearsal room for practice. I practised on the corridor outside the rehearsal room when it is full. Rehearsal room started rebuilt in the second year, rehearsal room became a construction site for a long time. In order to keep practising, I took the lamp that had been removed, connected the wires to illuminate the messy construction site, and continued to work hard in a small, stuffy place. Sabine Meyer, a famous musician, came to Taiwan to hold the masterclass. Although I’m very far from the class, I still drove to Taipei after school and took the last bus back to school. Numerous efforts were finally made me pass the examination and enter the ideal university.


Diversified development in the university period, while I was learning music, the second learning focus is on investment and financial management. I self-study stocks, futures, options, and actual operation. Extracurricular time, I join the basketball team and take two summers vacation to enter the military training. In the third year of college summer vacation, I became backpackers with my friends to travel around the world in eight countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Italy, Vatican, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States; I held the first personal concert to end the four-year brilliant life of the university.


After graduating from college, my mother is going through menopause and the elders in the family need to be taken care of. I decided to return to Changhua to take over the Dynamic Life Energy Association and started to promote international development.


As the director of Dynamic Life Energy Association (DLEA), I inherit the responsibility and vision from my predecessor. It is a challenging task, there isn’t any time for transition for me, from a musician to an organization director. Although I read many books about management, being a director in real life is far more challenging. I believe, with enough determination, I can accomplish my task and make a great career of it. As soon as I took up the role, I organized the biggest event in 2016, the Dynamic Life Energy (DLE)International Festival of Arts. Given the only short amount of time and without any past example to refer to, I explored step by steps and was able to understand the organization’s culture, set up my own work team, deal with both government and NGO’s, and liaise with participating groups. During this time, I saw the value of DLE in this world – the power of spirit and mind, the knowledge which many people longed for. 


In order to make every case success, I began to do something I had never thought before. I learned design software myself, organizing data, editing and finally published the Dynamic Life Energy course so that the DLE spiritual athletes can systematically introduce DLE to people. We need to have a classroom provide international group apply to live in Changhua, I taught myself interior design, planned a unique space for spiritual growth, and took the members of the association went to charity performance, charity course and charity bazaar in one year to raise money, and built the classroom yourself. I also practised Tai Chi Chuan, learning Classical Chinese Literature with DLETai Chi team, leading the team to every Tai Chi championship and took care of the member when they appeared on the stage.


International exchange activities have become more frequent since 2017, I began to train young spiritual athletes and share the Spiritual Movements and Spiritual Tai Chi over the world with them including Beijing, Harbin, Wuhan, Wudang Mountain, Guangzhou, Nepal and other places, I also host the international units from Argentina, Vietnam, Beijing, and Guangzhou. 2018, I held the First Cross-Strait Classical Chinese Literature EducationForum to promote educational exchanges between Taiwan and China, organized the education system about DLE and had three-day exhibited in the largest innovation education exhibition of Asia, ‘Za share, Dare to Be.’


During these two years, I understood the responsibility of the leader, experience the difficult time between each decision, I also learned to lead a team, motivating the members, find suitable tasks for them and let them grow in the mission. More importantly, complete every relationship by system thinking whatever success or not. In the future, hope the spiritual athlete of DLE will become an indispensable member of this generation and bring the peace and harmony to the world.

林宏濬影片作品 Lin Hung Chun video collection